Links of interest fall into two groups: Wold Newton, which lead to other websites devoted to the WNU, and General, which are to sites of use/interest to Wold Newton scholars do not deal with the WNU per se.
Wold Newton Links[]
- An Expansion of the Wold Newton Universe (created by Win Scott Eckert)
- Dark Pines
- Some Unknown Members of the Wold Newton Family Tree (Jess Nevin's site)
- Wold Newton Universe: A Secret History
- The Wold Atlas
- The French Wold Newton Universe
- Alternate Wold Newton Universe Timeline
- Le Wold Newton Universe (in French)
- Wold Newton Blog (by Win Scott Eckert)
- Godzilla Wold Newton Timeline
- II.htm Alternate Wold Newton Superhero Timeline
- The AltPulp Wold Newton FAQ
General Links of Interest[]
- The History of Things That Never Were (an ongoing site collecting different fictional timelines)
- Who's Who in Lovecraft
- Charles Dickens Characters - pretty much what it sounds like
- Anthony Trollope - website about Trollope, his books and his characters.
- Memory Alpha, the Star Trek Wiki
- The Sherlock Holmes Society
- Chaosium- the rpg based on Lovecraft
- Alternate History Forum
- The Large archive of and about pulp magazines
- Nevins/League of Extraordinary Gentlemen/LoEG index.htm League of Extraordinary Gentlemen Annotated
- TV Crossover Blog by Robert Wronski
- UK College of Arms
- Moonstone Books - classic and new heroes in tales of adventure, mystery and horror.
- Inner Toob A Look at Television as an Alternate Reality